
You can find us at Långåsliden 24 in Örgryte in Gothenburg.

Download a complete map here (PDF)

From Medikus, it takes less than 15 minutes to reach Landvetter Airport by car.
The 40 road starts just around the corner and the E6 is only a minute away.
This is joined by local traffic at Korsvägen and the Liseberg commuter railway station. The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre (Svenska Mässan) and the main events area in Gothenburg are just a stone’s throw away.

Tram number 5 – Ekmanska tram stop
Buses run to Skårsplatsen and Skårs Kyrka (church).

Medikus AB
Långåsliden 24
SE-412 70 Gothenburg

Open by appointment

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Then click on “Send”.

For missed visits and cancellations within 24 hours, the full charge will be debited.
