Quality is one of Medikus’ most important guiding principles. As a result, we feel that a continuous, systematic quality programme, comprising checks, follow-ups and evaluations of our business operations, is essential.
Our quality system is certified according to Kvalprak – KIV, Kvalitet i Vården (Quality in Health Care), which is based on the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare’s statutes relating to management systems for quality and patient security within the health and medical care sectors, SOS FS 2011:9. Quality assurance is conducted in the form of systematic internal assessments, both booked and unannounced, on-going internal checks and independent external quality evaluations.
The most important confirmation that we supply quality services is that satisfied customers keep returning and are happy to recommend Medikus. Medikus also obtains high ratings in the customer surveys we regularly conduct.
Environmental policy
At Medikus, we care about the environment. Our environmental programme is a natural part of our daily activities and is therefore thoroughly integrated in our organisation.
– Through our action, we prevent the pollution of the environment and are economical with natural resources.
– We are constantly working to reduce the environmental load, with the emphasis on waste and pharmaceuticals.
– As all our employees are involved in our environmental programme, we are contributing to environmentally sound development for the current and future generations.
– In our environmental programme, we comply with the legislation and requirements that are relevant to our activities from an environmental angle.
– It is our aim constantly to improve and to work actively to improve the environment.