Get in touch for an initial consultation on the best way for us to tailor a solution for either you as a private individual or your company.
At the present time, the cost of nicotine weaning is a tax deduction for companies.
We inspire and motivate using everything from lectures and courses to individual counselling, consultations and, in some cases, even medical treatment. The rewards include enhanced quality of life, lower blood pressure, improved fitness, longer life expectancy, reduced risk of infection and a reduction in the risk of future cardiopulmonary disease.
Nicotine weaning support
Tobacco has become the most common external cause of illness and premature death. More and more people are choosing to stop smoking and snuffing for the sake of their health. Would you like to do the same in order to lead a healthier life? We can help you become nicotine free.
You come to us and have a health check. We then meet regularly for counselling or have phone and e-mail contact. We can also prescribe medication whenever necessary.
If several people are interested in stopping, we can offer support for groups. In addition to group support, we describe what happens to the body when you stop using nicotine and the health benefits this produces. There are between eight and 10 participants in a group.
– Information meeting
– Extended health check
– Follow-up meeting two weeks after you stop smoking
– Follow-up health check 10 weeks after you stop smoking
– Evaluation meeting six and 12 months after the first meeting
Contact us for price information/a proposal.